Chickenlips Knitting
Friday, June 26, 2009
musings of an old knitblogger...
A new online shop is coming soon: Stitch Culture. The website is still under construction, although a lot of progress has been made on it in the past week. The owner, a lady with the lovely name of Chantal, found me through Etsy and ordered 24 colorways! Working on this order, in addition to prepping for Sock Summit, will make for a busy July. I'm grateful to receive the business.
Speaking of Sock Summit...yes I'm excited about it, I look forward to it, but I sometimes wonder if the actual experience of it won't be somewhat anti-climactic. The buzz has reached absolute tsunami proportions; my base yarn suppliers are backordered due to the demand created by the event, which means some of my customers are still waiting for yarn they should've received by now. I can't dye it if I don't have it, and that's a bit frustrating for me. However, I know it will all get ironed out and we'll all have a great time at SS09. I found out today that I'm vendor #1119--still in the Oregon Convention Center, just barely! Put on yer roller skates, and come see me.
My Knitting, My Yarn, and other matters dear to my heart
Yesterday I chugged along on the back of a sleeveless baby-doll style top I've been making in this beautiful yarn.

I started with a pattern but am changing this and that on the fly. I was so proud of myself, having gotten to 16" but realized that I needed to do the decrease row about 3" lower than that, in order to make it pooch below the girls, then add a fetching inch of seed stitch, then continue for several inches before beginning armhole decreases! Rrrrip, rrrrip, is how I'll be spending my Friday evening. While I wait for my undyed yarn shipments to come in, I plan to try to catch up on some languishing knitting projects.
Yarn Updates: Remember the pretty chartreuse laceweight I mentioned before going to Black Sheep? It sold! Now I get to make more. I love it when that happens. And perhaps you may have heard of "Dye for Glory", the Sock Summit yarn colorway contest. I haven't heard if there are going to be prizes or what; rest assured that Stitchjones plans to enter at least one special Sock Summit colorway. Even if there are no prizes awarded, I'll be content with just the glory! ;)
A good friend of my daughter's who had to move away when his dad died is here visiting. It's been nice having him around. He also just graduated, and is going to Western Washington University in the fall. Michelle's diploma arrived in the mail yesterday--sigh. It's official; my girl who just yesterday was a tot, is a high school graduate and heading for community college in September. In order to help pay tuition and buy textbooks, Mama needs to sell a lotta yarn!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
BSG Report

We also sold several copies of Judy's Mint Parfait Socks pattern, along with the Good Day Sunshine Tote (Ravelry links) and baby vest pattern from Katherine Vaughan Designs.

Kathleen's clever sample display generated lots of oohs and ahhs!

More sexy sock yarn.
I love this! It's made from 1 skein Glam Sock. It's Kathleen's design, and was knit by Melissa. Hopefully I can prevail upon Kathleen for a pattern.
This, knit in Stitchjones Dyepot Chunky, turned out to be the runaway hit of the booth. Like an ee-jit, I didn't take a photo of it all buttoned up into a shrug and hanging up for display, but it helped sell a lot of the Dyepot Chunky wool. Many thanks to Angela for knitting the sample!
Now that I've had the experience of my first big show, I can say I learned a lot. Being an outdoor vendor makes one completely powerless over the weather whims of Oregon. Up until Sunday afternoon, there was a negligible amount of rain, and we wrapped the booth in tarps at the close of each day so everything stayed dry. Sunday afternoon, however, brought enough rain showers that I couldn't keep my products from getting wet, so I felt there was no choice but to tear down early. I can deal with sun and wind, but rain is a different animal altogether. I will definitely apply to vend at Black Sheep Gathering again next year, but I don't think I'll want to be on the lawn!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
start your engines

I know that pleasant interaction with lots of fiber lovers over the next few days is going to help tremendously, though, and right now I'm doing OK. It just seems to take a while for my psyche to become clear of negativity and emotional upsets. Many friends are going to be there, including some that I haven't seen in a long time, and just thinking of that helps cheer me up.
I did the Facebook thing a couple of days ago and it's a blast! Don't know what took me so long. So many of my buddies are there, connecting with one another and chatting.
Not much else to say, except See ya! I'll be back next week with a full report.

Monday, June 15, 2009
I promised knitting

Karabella Merino Lace from Knit Knot Studio.
Besides projects using fancy LYS yarns, I've also been working on samples for the upcoming Black Sheep Gathering, Sock Summit and OFFF. The Earth Angel baby hat in garter rib now has a sweater to go with it--Elizabeth Zimmermann's February Baby Sweater. It's a bit "cropped" in length; I was running out of yarn. Kathleen's fine, 2-ply handspun from a small amount of Stitchjones merino roving in Earth Angel yielded enough for a baby set.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
I can has strawberries?

My forays into handspinning have been put on temporary hold while I make final preparations for Black Sheep Gathering. That means dyeing everything not nailed down, skeining, reskeining, labeling, printing patterns, organizing all samples and booth items...oi. I know it's all going to come together; it's just that this is the biggest event I've done in my semi-illustrious dyer career so far and I'm feeling a bit edgy, along with excited!
There is also a very cool event coming up right in my town of Hillsboro. This Saturday at 10 am, the Westside Wednesday arm of PDX KnitBloggers is holding a WWKiP (that's World Wide Knit in Public) event at Glenn and Viola Walters Cultural Center. Stitchjones will be there with bells on, you'll love me in bells. I might even be hawking a skein or two of hand dyed yarn; after all, ol' Stitch needs gas money for the trip to Eugene next week!
Non-fiber report: My brother is starting a blog! With a pseudonym and everything. He hasn't written anything yet. Most of his rants have varying degrees of political incorrectness, and as obnoxious as he can be at times, he understands that the Internet is forever. As Super Eggplant says about her brother, so I say about mine: "Don't encourage him."
All this smoke and mirrors is so you won't notice I don't have any knitting to blog about. Seems like I've been doing far too much knitting and not nearly enough finishing of projects, although this evening I did make headway towards completing a measly pair of socks.
I do have some pretty yarn to show you. Here is some alpaca laceweight, in a new color, "Quince Blossom".

Saturday, June 06, 2009
Yes and no

(cat disclaimer)
Anyway, here's the art yarn, which is from a bit of South African Fine wool top that I dyed some time ago. It was truly a team effort: the really fine stuff was spun by pnwbookgirl; it wraps around the fat stuff I made. And Trtlgrl helped me ply it.

Here's the loaner wheel, which I've dubbed "Miss Lucy".

The jury isn't out yet as to whether I'll be buying it. It has a really strong, fast take-up, which makes it good for plying but for newbie learning, not so much. Also, I figured out right away that I like a double treadle wheel better.
This afternoon on my travels, I stopped at Woodland WoolWorks, and picked up a no-frills drop spindle for $6. I did go upstairs and visit the spinning wheels; however, I think I'll be playing with the drop spindle for a while, until my brain can wrap around what to do with my hands when trying to spin!
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
spin cycle

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- Name: Sharon
- Location: Oregon, United States
I like making a piece of string into something I can wear. ~Author Unknown
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