Chickenlips Knitting
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Happy Halloween, darlings

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Your result for The Best Thing About You Test...
Courage is your greatest virtue.
Courage, also known as bravery, will and fortitude, is the ability to confront fear, pain, risk, danger, and all that. "Physical courage" is courage in the face of physical pain, hardship, or threat of death, while "moral courage" is the courage to act awesome in the face of opposition, shame, or discouragement. And you? You are remarkable. You demonstrate courage on all fronts. All 7 virtues are a part of you, but your courage runs deepest.
Courageous famous people: Genghis Khan, The Last Starfighter, Martin Luther King, Jr.
Your raw relative scores follow. 0% is low, and 100% is perfect, nearly impossible. Note that I pitted the virtues against each other, so in some way these are relative scores. It's impossible to score high on all of them, and a low score on one is just relatively low compared to the other virtues.
70% Compassion
44% Intelligence
38% Humility
33% Honesty
0% Discipline
71% Courage
42% Passion
Take The Best Thing About You Test at HelloQuizzy
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Double happiness


The Lowdown
I think this is my favorite sweater in the whole wide world. I can't wait to cast on another one for my daughter! Funny how Michelle wasn't all that crazy about having any of her mom's handknits (except the eyelash yarn boas I'm making for Rocky Horror), but when she saw this baby she decided she'd like to have one too! So I've got 6 balls of Berroco Comfort worsted in red, and I think it'll make a gorgeous Bombshell.

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Before I completely lose the portion of my blog audience who doesn't give a rat's patoot about baseball, and by "blog audience" I mean of course you 1 or 2 good people, let me quickly change the topic. Let's see; yarn's always good. My alter ego, Stitchjones, got to go to Mt. Hood last week, and Michelle and I went along for the ride. We had a special invitation from the owner of this lovely shop. So I'm proud to say that Stitchjones hand dyed yarn and fiber is now available from "Hood to Coast". (Yes, I really wanted to work that in!) In all seriousness, though, if your travels take you to Mt. Hood, Oregon via U.S. Highway 26, do stop at the charming little A-frame house in Zig Zag with the sign on the roof that says "YARN". It's well worth it. The owner is also a dyer, and spinner, and just got her own drum carder oh my! Her stuff is gorgeous and I came home with some of it. Did I take a picture? No. Sorry, not yet. But it will come, as will photos of my girl's 18th birthday party. Which was attended by a half dozen of her friends, her dad and I, and of course her goofy aunt and uncle. We had a big Chinese feast and then cake. Apart from my brother's brand of "cringe" humor, the cake bit was the funniest. My family goes to this restaurant a lot, so we know the owner and servers. When we have celebrations, we give the cake to the wait staff and they present it, cut and serve it for us after the meal. I even remembered to bring a box of birthday candles, so I gave it to our server. When she brought out the cake, the candles were added and already lit, but uh-oh, she'd forgotten to take it out of the box. So one of the waiters was trying to help her wrangle a 1/2 sheet cake which was about to ignite the top of the bakery box! Fortunately, there was no need to call the Beaverton fire department, but man that was a close one.
I'm sorry this post is short on photos, I only have a couple to show you. Who'da thunk that this would become the new Stitchjones viral yarn?!

It's "Glam Sock" superwash merino sock yarn with silk and sterling silver fibers. I make it in all these sumptuous colors, one such being Electric Blue,
but Silver is the color I can't keep in stock! It sells almost as fast as I can put it up on Etsy. I sold one today, and the customer emailed a request for 7 more. Yow! So making lots of silver yarn is on the Stitchjones agenda for this week.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Monday, October 06, 2008
may I have the envelope please?


I was heavily influenced by Blue Moon Fiber Arts here--I think it was because the DK yarn I used has the tight twist which is a trademark of BMFA. Definitely the presentation style--un-reskeined and reining in my penchant for high-contrast and high-intensity colors--was me (pitifully) imitating Tina's artistry. But I always love letting my imagination take flight, and I've even sold a couple of these. I'm planning a total of 6 to 8 colorways in this series, as more cones of the DK yarn are on order. Bonus points if you can correctly name all the actresses!
There's new BFL spinning fiber over at Etsy, and here's a taste. More coming in the next couple of days.
"Untitled" (trust me, it's intentional,)
"Revolution Earth" (nod to the B-52's)
Tonight I had dinner with my friend Bev, for whom I knit the chemo cap I showed you last post. She really liked it and it looks good on her. We watched a movie I hadn't seen, "Meet Joe Black". What can I say, that was three hours of my life I'll never get back. I'm sorry, I know when I say this someone'll want to check for a pulse, but Brad Pitt does nothing for me! And the movie was all talky, nuancing, teary-eyed closeups and pregnant pauses. Ho-freaking-hum. We had a nice dinner though, and it's always good to hang with old friends. Now if anybody wants to know who my celebrity crush has been for the last 13 years...
And yes, I'm the reigning "Six Degrees" champ.
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- Name: Sharon
- Location: Oregon, United States
I like making a piece of string into something I can wear. ~Author Unknown
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